It’s been 12 years since I first entered the fitness industry as a personal trainer but it had been a few since I’d had a consistent gym routine of my own. I’d grown tired of weights and a crazy travel schedule had left me slack on my food, unprepared and eating on the go. My main hobby now is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, training 5-6 times a week and so my motivation for coming to Larry was to add some gym work to compliment that training and to get into much better patterns with my food on the go. I was delighted with the progress we made over 12 weeks. Larry got me back into 3-4 regular gym sessions a week that complimented my martial arts training and didn’t drain my energy. He also made me much more aware of the foods I was consuming and helped me stay accountable to changes with my nutrition. I’ve always believed the fastest way to success with anything is to go learn from the best. Working with Larry I got to work with one of the best. Thank you!