High Protein Tasty Summer Burgers – making your own is a great way to get creative, heres one of our favourites!
Having quick ready to go turkey burgers are super convenient… But sometimes it’s nice to make your own.
? 400g turkey mince (full pack from Aldi)
? 1-2 stalks of spring onion finely chopped
?50g drained weight sun-dried tomato finely chopped
? 30g crumbled goats cheese (mozzarella / feta also works!)
Combine all the above in a bowl, add salt and pepper and any other herbs and spices you like. I used a little dried Dill.
Portion into 4 balls and shape into burgers!
Cook on the pan or the BBQ, tasty, juicey and even better because you made them yourself!
?Macros: P107 | F20 | C7 for the whole batch. Per individual burger: P26 | F5 | C2
Bun and trimmings counted seperately!
Let me know if you try this out, @katelaurenkel on Instagram!