
#7 Luke Tulloch

Luke Tulloch is a personal trainer from Sydney, Australia with 13 years experience , having attended university to study neuroscience, and has now built an online education business and delivered in-person seminars around the world. Luke is focused on translating scientific research to coaches and the average gym-goer. We translate all things stress in this

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#5 – Adam Henderson

Client and good friend Adam Henderson (AKA 100km_for_mental_health ) joins us as we discuss his journey to date and upcoming ultra marathon charity event. Its been a hell of a journey with Adam so far, including massive fat-loss, The New York Marathon , physique photoshoots , all while handling a long term battle with mental

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Eoin Sheehan, TV Chef

#4 – Eoin Sheehan

Eoin Sheehan is a 24 year old TV Chef & Food Entrepreneur from Limerick. Having to start cooking for himself in college out of necessity, Eoin began to sell dinners and grew he’s business ‘Country Munch’. Eoin now is a resident chef on Virgin Media Six o Clock show showcasing easy to do home-cooked meals and teaches cooking demos and workshops to corporates and companies around Ireland.

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